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COURTSHIP is the only place where "HOOK UP" Culture is no where to be found.

Imagine a place where people really are who they say they are! Right now you never know who is on the other side of the connection.  You don’t know what they what for sure. They say one thing but you find out they actually want something completely different.

Courtship is the only Relationship App where you can find safey and security and know that everyone here is ONLY looking for one thing. To find Marriage or a Long Term Relationship.  That is it! 

Featured Articles

Hear what the leading experts have to say about the state of Modern Dating Today.

Men's Issues. Relationships are challenging for men these days

Men’s Issues In Relationships Today  —–  You can’t guarantee the longevity of a marriage, but what you can do is play the odds. Researchers have studied marriage success rates from nearly every conceivable angle, and what they’ve found is that everything from smoking habits to what state you live in can predict how likely it is that your union will survive. Here are 15 ways to gauge whether your marriage is for the long haul—or on the fast track to Splitsville.

Happiness. This is what we all strive for. Find out how to achieve it

Happiness is what we all seek and search for but what is the true things in life that will bring us long lasting happiness. Find out

Women in relationships have many challenges in todays world find out what they are.

The world tell’s woman that the can Have It All.  Well for the vast majority that is easier said than done.

The Problems with Modern Relationships Today

Many  men and women today find that it is almost impossible to find “The One” with all the Apps and Lies and Catfishing going on.   Here we discuss the major challenges men and women face in the Modern Dating World

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stress, burnout, despair, divorce, saddness,
couple arguing, divorce, single mother
couple, romance, love, Virgin, virgin bride, marriage, happiness, fulfillment,

What They Say

Courtship changed my life forever.  After so many disappointments and disasters I finally was able to find someone that just seemed “to fit” and we are now looking forward to a wonderful life together.

Paula Scharfz

I was one of those delete all Dating Apps people!   Well I am so glad I didn’t delete this one!  

Erin Lawrence

As a single dad the dating scene was a nigtmare! I had not time to date but my daughter needed a mother.  Am so glad I found Courtship.  Thank you Courtship for giving me hope once again.

Teddy Park

Meet The Experts

All the experts agree something has to change.  Broken relationships on the rise, cheating is now  common place something new has to come to shake up the way we look at Relationships.  Welcome to COURTSHIP!

---Virginity Undiscovered--- Discover the True Value of Relationships and especially in the Value of Virginity
-------------Virgoan----------- A look at the horrible challenges Single Mothers Have in life and the trauma they put there children through
------Remenant Princess ----- Modern Dating challenges and the craziness of women hitting the WALL