The Reason For Virginity

virgin mary, statue, woman

There are several benefits to remaining a virgin until marriage, including increased emotional and physical intimacy with one’s partner, reduced risk of sexually transmitted infections, and a heightened sense of self-worth and self-respect. Additionally, many people who choose to remain virgin until marriage may also have a stronger commitment to the sanctity of marriage and the importance of sexual purity. However, it’s important to note that it’s a personal choice and everyone should be respected for their own choices.

There are several potential benefits to remaining a virgin until marriage. Some of these include:

  1. Emotional benefits: Waiting to have sexual intercourse until marriage can help couples build a stronger emotional bond and deeper connection.
  2. Physical benefits: Remaining a virgin can also have physical benefits, such as reducing the risk of certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies.
  3. Spiritual benefits: Some individuals may choose to remain a virgin until marriage for spiritual or religious reasons.
  4. Empowerment: Some people may choose to remain a virgin until marriage as a personal choice that empowers them to take control of their own bodies and sexuality.

It’s important to note that everyone has different beliefs, values and choices and this is a personal decision.

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