Single Mother Epidemic and the Effects on Society
Meet The Unhappiest Person In America
As the push for women’s liberation and equal status with men continues, studies are showing that the profile of the unhappiest person happens to be a woman trying to do it all. Is it worth the added stress to try and do everything?
Are single women actually happier? Study says a resounding NO!, researchers say
Are childless, spouseless women actually happier than their married counterparts?
The Horrible Effects of Single Mothers on Children
Single Mother Epidemic is Eroding the very fabric of our Society to the deteriment of every child afflicted with thie circumstance.
Single Mother Statistics
Single motherhood has grown so common in America that today 80 percent of single-parent families are headed by single mothers — nearly a third live in poverty.
The High Costs of Single Mothers on the American Economy
Courtship is trying to save the Federal Government Money! It costs the Federal Government about $60,000 per Single Mother household per year in Federal programs!
Paradox: Younger Marriage, Less Divorce
the life orientations associated with delayed marriage are often also associated with (and even causal of) greater acceptance of premarital cohabitation, which is also linked to a higher risk of divorce.
Single Mother Homelessness Facts
Over 85% of homeless families are headed by women – specifically, by single women with children
1 in 5 female college students are single moms but fast majority never graduate
Only 28 percent of single mothers who start college complete degrees
36 Shocking Statistics on Single Mother Homes
In the United States, there are more than 64 million men who identify themselves as being a father. Out of that figure, only 26.5 million men are part of a home where they are married to a spouse and have children under the age of 18 living there.
The U.S. Has the Highest Share of Single Parenting
the U.S. has the highest share of single parenting in the world. In 2018, almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 lived in a household with a single parent and no other adults present other than adult children. Being a single parent predominantly affects mothers around the world. In the U.S., around 20 percent of children live with just their mother while around 5 percent live with just their father.
The Data is in. Single Mothers create criminals
Family factors (parental supervision/parental warmth, family structure i.e. two parent vs. Single Mother) are the most important childhood and/or adolescent predictors of general offending,
Fatherless Single Mother Home Statistics
Children brought up in single mother homes are:
- 5 times more likely to commit suicide,
- 9 times more likely to drop out of high school,
- 10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances,
- 14 times more likely to commit rape,
- 20 times more likely to end up in prison,
- 32 times more likely to run away from home.
125 Divorce Statistics You Should Know
Divorce is a topic many people avoid.
Despite this, the bottom line is it’s a lot more common than you think.
That said, discussing divorce, especially in numbers, is crucial.
Knowing the facts and statistics about divorce helps make this painful situation easier to understand and navigate.
On top of that, it can also help you realize that you are not alone.
If you want to know more about how common divorce is and the factors that affect it, keep reading.
How Much Does Fatherlessness Affect Black America?
The answer is simple. It is destoying Black Society.
The reality is that Fathers actually are much better at raising children than mothers. This is shown in study after study but the Myth of the Dead Beat Dads is still strong in our society. This video goes a LONG LONG way in explaining way this is.
Why intact family might matter more now than ever before for children
While divorce has become more accepted by society and a declining share of Americans think stable family life for kids is more likely when married parents raise them together, a new report suggests that intact families are more important than ever for children.
after controlling for factors including race, gender, parental education and a general knowledge score known as an AFQT score, they found that being raised in an intact family boosted the boomers’ odds of graduating from college by 78%. But it boosted the odds for millennials by 163%.
Single Mother Decides to abandon her children with the Grandmother
She doesn’t want to raise her kids anymore because she is stressed out.
Mothers as perpetrators and bystanders of child sexual abuse
The myth that Men are more abusive to children than Mother is a TOTAL LIE! Women abuse children at a 70% rate vs. Men at 30% Women are far far far more abusive to children than Men.
Who is more likely to kill children? The unfortunate and crazy statisic is THE MOTHER!!!
71% of the time if a child dies it is by the hand of the Mother only 29% by the Father and 60% of all children killed are boys.
The Data is in. Single Mothers are FAR worst for children than two parent holds. BUT!! Did you you that Single Fathers are way better than even Single Mothers
Check out the incredible video that explains these craxy statisical FINDINGS
Further evidence of how Daycare is not good for children. Most Single Mothers but children in Daycare
Very interesting video of the effects of a child that were sent to Daycare Compared to when they stayed home.
The True Cost of Family Breakdown - Melissa Kearney
It seems crazy to say but in this day and this video discusses the strange fact that you can’t say that children that grow up in two parent households are 500% more likely to have successful children!!
The Data is in. Single Mothers are FAR worst for children than two parent holds. BUT!! Did you you that Single Fathers are way better than even Single Mothers
Check out the incredible video that explains these craxy statisical FINDINGS
Single Mothers Create the vast majority of Criminals!!!!
Skocking and sad video of mother explaining why being a sungle mother caused her sons to go to prison!