Happiness in Relationships

Happiness in Relationships has been a long-sought-after concept by society. What makes people happy has been the focal point of psychologists, scientists, and philosophers for centuries. Research has shown that three main concepts make people happy. These three factors that affect happiness are: 

Causes of Happiness

Happiness has been a long-sought-after concept by society. What makes people happy has been the focal point of psychologists, scientists, and philosophers for centuries. Research has shown that three main concepts make people happy. These three factors that affect happiness are:

Recent studies prove traditional gender roles bring greatest happiness

Many feminists argue that having different, defined marriage roles for men and women is oppressive, because it contradicts certain abstract principles that men and women must be exactly the same in every way.

However, when deciding what the “ideal roles” for men and women in relationships should be, it seems that we should be more concerned with what makes individual men and women the happiest; not with abstract principles which force everyone to be the same and, in turn, not achieve full happiness by either gender.

Does Getting Married Really Make You Happier?

Yes!  Married People Across the Board are 63% Happier and Single People are 36% Sadder. Indeed, married people are happier than unmarried people: across nearly five decades of surveys, data from the GSS shows that 36% of people who have ever been married (including divorced, separated, and widowed people) say they are “very happy” while just 11% are “not too happy,” compared to 22% and 15% for people who have never married. Despite changing public views, the truth is married people really are happier.


Let’s face it happiness is fleeting at best.  If you keep searching for that new “high” of happiness you will only find saddness.

The secret to a happy fulfilling Life

One of the best explaintions  the reason for Gender Roles in a fufilling happy life and the need for fathers to provide a happy life to children.

If you are Looking for Happiness you might want to consider marrying a Filipina

Statisitcs show that since the Filipino culture is so family oriented that divorce is singificantly lower than even White marriages.  In 2019 Pew Research showed that the divorce rate in the US with a Filipina was 9%!!!!

The Best Predictor of Happiness in America: Marriage

The research, surveying thousands of respondents, revealed a startling 30-percentage-point happiness divide between married and unmarried Americans. This happiness boost held true for both men and women.

Children with liberal parents more likely to suffer mental health problems: Study

In this study it shows that if you want to have a normal happy balanced children don’t be a liberal!!   Basically more conservative paretns but more boundries and structures in childrens lives which in the end makes them better people.

Are married people happier than those who are not? A new poll has answers

A happier life after getting married may not just be in fairy tales. It’s in the data, too.

Adults who are married report being far happier than those in any other relationship status, according to a Gallup Poll published Friday.

“Any way you analyze those data, we see a fairly large and notable advantage to being married in terms of how people evaluate their life,” said poll author Jonathan Rothwell, principal economist at Gallu

Despite havin it all Western Women are Unhappy? Statistics of relations declining in West

Why are Western Women so unhappy.  There happiness continues to go down and down.   What is the solution???

A Sad stat on happiness The United States just dropped 8 stops in the world


The U.S. hit an all-time low ranking in the annual World Happiness Report, tumbling eight spots to 23rd.

Why it matters: Some countries, like Finland and Denmark, consistently rank among the world’s happiest. The U.S. isn’t one of them.

The big picture: A steady supply of studies has found that Americans feel glum about issues ranging from loneliness to the economy and the country’s political leadership.

  • It’s the first time since the report launched 12 years ago that the U.S. did not rank among the world’s 20 happiest countries.

Between the lines: Gallup, whose data powers the World Happiness Report, pointed to “Americans under 30 feeling worse about their lives” for the steep drop.

Wow MARRIAGE is MORE important than any Money you MAKE!!!!

Check out this Video statistical research shows that on a happiness scale shows that tp reach the same level of happiness you would have to Make $100,000 more than just being married!

The most happy people are MAARIED POEPLE.

Wow! Money doesn't buy happiness!!!

Check out this awesome video of the Collin’s explaining that poor people with kids are actually happier than rich people with kids!!!

Who Is Happiest? Married Mothers and Fathers, Per the Latest General Social Survey

The Data is in!!  Married People are twice as happy as unmarried peeople on both ends of the spectrum.

Social Media and mainstream media are replete with stories suggesting marriage and parenthood are not fulfilling, especially for women. Not surprisingly, many Americans now believe the key to being happy is a good education, work, and freedom from the encumbrances of family life—not getting married and having a family. These cultural developments raise an important question answered by this Institute for Family Studies research brief: Are single, childless women and men truly the happiest, or are women and men today who are married with children happier?


Wow MARRIAGE is MORE important than any Money you MAKE!!!!

Check out this Video statistical research shows that on a happiness scale shows that tp reach the same level of happiness you would have to Make $100,000 more than just being married!

The most happy people are MAARIED POEPLE.