Interesting and Sad Reflections of Our Culture Today

So much has changed in the world over the past 50-60 years.  Unfortunately I think most people would agree that those social changes have actually NOT made our culture better.  In fact I would say most people would agree that it has make our lives worst.  Well the only way to change a think is if to know about and be aware of a thing.  That is what this seciton is all about.  LET’S CHANGE THE WORLD TOGETHER!!!!

Single Mom Can Sue Male Baby Sitter For Child Support

I know it is completly insane but if you ever babysit a child for a single mother she can now turn around and sue you for child support!!!!!

Intesting Study shows that 98% of children that might "think" they are Trans at 11 years old actually grow out of it and the are perfectly fine with there gender in adulthood

This is why “Gender Affirming Care ”  before adulthood is so so so dangerous!!!!

Confronting the Toll of Hookup Culture

This article highlights the Horrible and Destruction effects of Hook Up Culture on people today.

 survey of 1468 undergraduate students found that 82.6% reported negative mental and emotional consequences after hookups,

How The Sex Recession Is Affecting Workplace Leadership, Team Members

Basically the Sex Recession is effecting America’s ability to compete.  This is a problem!!!!

Intersting Video showing the Book Of Mormon is factual

Sorry I know this isn’t the normal stuff on this website but I found this sooo interesting that I included this here.

Who wrote the Book of Mormon

Sorry once again but I also found this very interesting.

Women sued her sperm doner for CHILD SUPPORT years later!!!!

This is insane!!!   Sperm doner has to pay 40% of his paycheck for child support for a child he had nothing to do with!!!!!

Spanking your kids isn't all that bad and in certain situations it could be good.

Great video that shows that the whole “never spank your kid” is totally overblown.

Women School Teachers have a sexual predator epedemic problem

 This video is an expose on the Epedemic of Women School Teachers being sexual Predators.

Sending a Kid to Public School Has Become a Death Sentence

Crazy Statistics that show the horrible influence Public Schools are having on our Children!!!!!

Young People Are Now So Unhappy That They've Changed A Fundamental Pattern Of Life

So long mid-life crisis; hello youth in despair.

Our high school years were, many of us may have been told, the best days of our lives. But that’s no longer the case, according to a new working paper from Dartmouth University Professor David Blanchflower and colleagues – and the formerly inescapable “U curve” of well-being is now more of an uphill struggle towards happiness.

From millionaires to Muslims, small subgroups of the population seem much larger to many Americans

When it comes to estimating the size of demographic groups, Americans rarely get it right. In two recent YouGov polls, we asked respondents to guess the percentage (ranging from 0% to 100%) of American adults who are members of 43 different groups, including racial and religious groups, as well as other less frequently studied groups, such as pet owners and those who are left-handed.

Men and Women ARE DIFFERENT!!

Awesome video showing just how different men and women are in the world.  Don’t let anyone tell you different Men and Women are not the same.  This video show in track and field the HUGE differences between the sexes.  It is great check it out!!!

The world is getting less intelligent!!!

The Most Surprising Regretting Divorce Statistics And Trends in 2024

Approximately 50% of divorced couples say they regret their decision to separate. This statistic is a powerful reminder that divorce is not a decision to be taken lightly. It highlights the fact that half of all divorced couples regret their decision to separate, indicating that the decision to divorce should be made with careful consideration and thought. This statistic is an important piece of information to include in a blog post about regretting divorce statistics, as it serves to emphasize the gravity of the situation. 68% of divorced individuals with children reported they wished they had tried harder. This statistic is a powerful reminder of the potential consequences of divorce, particularly for those with children. It speaks to the deep regret that many divorced individuals feel, and serves as a warning to those considering divorce to think carefully before making such a life-altering decision. 

The Scientific Case Against Evolution

Belief in evolution is a remarkable phenomenon. It is a belief passionately defended by the scientific establishment, despite the lack of any observable scientific evidence for macroevolution (that is, evolution from one distinct kind of organism into another). This odd situation is briefly documented here by citing recent statements from leading evolutionists admitting their lack of proof. These statements inadvertently show that evolution on any significant scale does not occur at present, and never happened in the past, and could never happen at all.

Same-Sex Parenting: A Scientific Analysis

ABSTRACT: Are children reared by two individuals of the same gender as well adjusted as children reared in families with a mother and a father? Until recently the unequivocal answer to this question was “no.” Within the last decade, however, professional health organizations,1 academics, social policymakers and the media have begun asserting that prohibitions on parenting by same-sex couples should be lifted. In making such far-reaching, generation-changing assertions, any responsible advocate would rely upon supporting evidence that is comprehensive and conclusive. Not only is this not the situation, but also there is sound evidence that children exposed to the homosexual lifestyle may be at increased risk for emotional, mental, and even physical harm.

The Most Surprising Regretting Divorce Statistics And Trends in 2024

Approximately 50% of divorced couples say they regret their decision to separate. This statistic is a powerful reminder that divorce is not a decision to be taken lightly. It highlights the fact that half of all divorced couples regret their decision to separate, indicating that the decision to divorce should be made with careful consideration and thought. This statistic is an important piece of information to include in a blog post about regretting divorce statistics, as it serves to emphasize the gravity of the situation. 68% of divorced individuals with children reported they wished they had tried harder. This statistic is a powerful reminder of the potential consequences of divorce, particularly for those with children. It speaks to the deep regret that many divorced individuals feel, and serves as a warning to those considering divorce to think carefully before making such a life-altering decision.