Paternity Fraud Man's Greatest Fear

Paternity Fraud Man’s Greatest Fear  — With the wide availability of affordable paternity test kits online and at the local drugstore, more and more men today are making the choice to find out if the children they’ve been supporting are truly theirs. There’s no doubt about it: DNA testing has been a game-changer in the child-support landscape. The she said/he said arguments about who fathered a child are now completely irrelevant, right? Not necessarily.


There were about 300,000 DNA Paternity testing cases analyzed and roughly 100,000 men have deemed not the father

Paternity Fraud: the Tough Realities Men must Face

With the wide availability of affordable paternity test kits online and at the local drugstore, more and more men today are making the choice to find out if the children they’ve been supporting are truly theirs. There’s no doubt about it: DNA testing has been a game-changer in the child-support landscape. The she said/he said arguments about who fathered a child are now completely irrelevant, right? Not necessarily.

96% of Women are Liars, Honest!

Half the women said that if they became pregnant by another man but wanted to stay with their partner, they would lie about the baby’s real father.

Forty-two per cent would lie about contraception in order to get pregnant, no matter the wishes of their partner.

Almost one in 10 moms isn’t sure who fathered their baby: poll

Nearly one in 10 mothers does not know who fathered their child, according to a surprise new poll in the United Kingdom.

Australian documentary series “Who’s Your Daddy?,” released in 2014, referenced reports that up to 30% of paternities are misattributed.


What Women are doing to men is pure EVIL both by denying the true biological father the oportunity to know his child and the total criminal act of decieving someone you supposedly “love” by having him raise anohter man’s child!

The reason why high number of sexual partners leads to parternity Fraud.

This is one of the best videos that explains and breaks down the reason why men should NEVER deal with women with even slightly high body counts or basically more than 4 sexual partners.  Best way to avoid Paternity Fraud!!!!

Paternity Fraud is Rampant

Paternity Fraud is a massive problem in Society Today.  Manditory Paternity Test is and absolute must.  It is NOT about trust!