Success of Marrying a Virgin
Sucess of Marrying a Virgin —For all three cohorts, women who married as virgins had the lowest divorce rates by far. Eleven percent of virgin marriages (on the part of the woman, at least) in the 1980s dissolved within five years. This number fell to 8 percent in the 1990s, then fell again to 6 percent in the 2000s.
It is only women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship who have an elevated risk of marital disruption.
Counterintuitive Trends in the Link Between Premarital Sex and Marital Stability
For all three cohorts, women who married as virgins had the lowest divorce rates by far. Eleven percent of virgin marriages (on the part of the woman, at least) in the 1980s dissolved within five years. This number fell to 8 percent in the 1990s, then fell again to 6 percent in the 2000s.
The Relationship Between Multiple Sex Partners and Anxiety, Depression, and Substance Dependence Disorders: A Cohort Study
Increasing numbers of sex partners were associated with increasing risk of substance dependence disorder at all three ages. The association was stronger for women and remained after adjusting for prior disorder.
Statistics on Abstinence
Behavioral Risks Associated with Virginity/Nonvirginity Girls 12-16 Results: the risk for nonvirginal girls was… –
6 times higher for ever having used alcohol
– More than 10 times higher for smoking marijuana
– Nearly 4 times higher for dropping out – 9 times higher for getting arrested
– 6 times higher for having thoughts of suicide
What Happens To Your Brain After Having Too Much Casual Sex
Casual sex leads to a decrease in this neurochemical production and interferes with what is called pair bonding.
Repeated sexual encounters with multiple partners rewires the brain.
The Science of Monogamy
The benefits of relationships and canoodling abound. Yet contrary to what some men may claim in locker rooms, dorm rooms, and after one too many rounds during happy hour, more sexual partners does not equal more happiness.
The American Virgin
Virginity, used to describe a total lack of sexual experience – particularly intercourse – has held a massive cultural significance for millennia. Long prized as a symbol of purity, the demand for virginity was often used as a way of valuing or devaluing women while also sometimes serving as a source of ridicule for sexually inexperienced men. In modern times, many societies have fortunately revisited this focus on virginity and the norms of sexual experience, recognising that sexual history can be diverse and that it need not be used to shame anyone.
Around the World, Casual Sex Isn’t All That Common
Among young adults in particular, virginity is common. Globally, 38% of adults 18 to 24 are virgins. Asia-Pacific countries have the highest concentration of young adult virgins (84% in Malaysia and Singapore, 78% in Indonesia, 53% in Thailand, 47% in the Philippines). Virginity is also quite common among adults 18 to 24 in the US, at 53%. After age 25, fewer global adults are virgins (18% of adults 25 to 29, 9% of adults in their thirties, 6% of adults in their forties).
Virgin America: Why young adults are having a hard time getting laid
Common sense would suggest the spread of technologies designed to pinpoint potential sex partners would make getting laid a whole lot easier. According to some estimates, the location-based dating app Tinder has around 50 million users, worldwide. A report conducted by the Pew Research Center finds that the online dating apps have nearly tripled in popularity among young people, specifically, in the past few years. But access to the dating world doesn’t necessarily translate into experience with it. According to the same report, one-third of online daters have never made it out onto an actual date. And maybe that can help explain one brow-raising headline making its way around the Internet these days. Virginity in America is on the rise.
Tell Me All I Need to Know About Oxytocin
Oxytocin is release in both men and women but be process it completely differently. Men it enhances the fight or flight with women it increase pair bonding.
Oxytocin Modulates Social Distance between Males and Females
Oxytocin also has a major impact on Fidelity in Women.
Links Between the Neurobiology of Oxytocin and Human Musicality
endogenous oxytocin levels are reduced in individuals with emotional trauma
Since every new sexual partner is the change in brain chemistry or trauma to the neuropathways it is harder and harder for Oxytocin to have the same effects the more sexual partners you have
The Love Hormone: Things You Didn't Know About Oxytocin
Oxytocin does this by stimulating the creation of new synaptic connections. Therefore when those connections are destroyed. Those Connections have to start all over again.
Oxytocin: Facts about the 'cuddle hormone'
“According to the American Psychological Association
, oxytocin can also intensify memories of bonding gone bad”. So everytime you destroy the synaptic connection formed by Oxytocin the same Oxytocin will more solidify the memories of the “bad bonding” experience
Virginity is on the Rise
The CDC just came out with there bi annual review of the state of the Youth in the United States. Great News! Virginity is on the Rise! In 2011 53% of High Schoolers said they were Virgins Now it has risen to 70%! That is a 30% increase!
Being a Virgin Prevents Cancer!
The relationship between chronic diseases and number of sexual partners. It was found some shocking results! Only having 1 sexual partner decreased your chance of getting cancer or other diseases by 20%
What is important about virginity and experience for men? Andrew Tate on women's innocence.
Why is it important for a man to marry a Virgin. In the end it has nothing to do with whether or not she has had sex it is her mind set. It is the fact that she has not gone through trauma. That you the man of her dreams can be the first to give her all of these experiences. That you can be the ALPH MALE in her life.
Your marriage will be happier if you marry as a virgin, experts say
Nicholas Wolfinger, a sociologist at the University of Utah, has found that people who never had any sex before marriage are most likely to report being in a “very happy” marriage. What this suggests is that having no prior knowledge of sex before marriage would mean greater levels of marital satisfaction.
“Contrary to conventional wisdom, when it comes to sex, less experience is better, at least for the marriage,”W. Bradford Wilcox, a sociologist at the Institute for Family Studies, Utah, tells The Atlantic.
Another Fun Fact. You won't ever get an STD!!!
In fact, nearly 50 percent of adults aged between 15 and 24 have at least one type of sexually transmitted infection. This number is even higher for young adults aged 24 to 34, with an estimated 60 percent having a current or past STI diagnosis.
What Science Says About Body Count
One of the best videos that discusses how Body Count or How many sexual partners you have had in the past deeply effects your ability to Pair Bond or have a successful relationship in the future.
This report examines the linkages between early initiation of sexual activity, number of nonmarital sex partners, and human well-being. In general, the earlier a woman begins sexual activity,
the greater the number of non-marital sex partners she is likely to have over the course of her life.
Early initiation of sexual activity and higher numbers of non-marital sex partners are linked in
turn to a wide variety of negative life outcomes, including increased rates of infection with sexually transmitted diseases, increased rates of out-of-wedlock pregnancy and birth, increased single
parenthood, decreased marital stability, increased maternal and child poverty, increased abortion,
increased depression, and decreased happiness.
The Data is IN! Marrying a Virgin infinately decreases the chance of your wife cheating on you.
In the most recent 2022 GSS survey it shows that women with a “high body count” 8.9 will cheat on there husbands at a rate of 230% more whereas women with a low “body count” 3.8 or less are much less likely to cheat on there husbands. Of course marrying a Virgin almost ensures you will never ever get cheated on.
This is it! If you re EVER wondering is “Body Count ” mattered that matter is at an end! Here are charts and more charts showing the horrible of effect of pre martial sex. One again these chart show you why you need to marry a Virgin!!!
New Report Finds Link Between Strong Marriages and Sexual Restraint During the Dating Years
You only have a 10% of a Successful Marriage if you have a highly sexual Past Study Finds!!