Women's Issues in Modern Life

The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness*

Women are 20% less happy now than they were back in the 1970’s

When Can You Get Pregnant and What’s the Best Age to Have a Baby?

After age 30 there is a 33% chance of having infertility problems.  After 35 the chance of your children having birth defects skyrockets!!!  Who is willingly  going to bring a child into the world knowing you might be giving that child birth defects.

What are the side effects of birth control pills?

Side effects of Birth Control Pills

There are many but the two most relevant are 

Weight Gain

Decreased Sex Drive

More Women Than Men Are Obese In America, And Gap Is Widening

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has crunched new numbers on America’s obesity epidemic. What do they tell us? Women have a big, BIG  problem.

Biggest Weight Gain Now Comes Early in Adulthood

The obesity epidemic isn’t slowing down anytime soon, and new research delivers even worse news: Most American adults have not only gained more weight, but they gained most of it earlier in life.

What’s the Average Weight for Women?

From 20 to 27 the average weight of women goes from 120 lbs to 167.60 that is an increase of 47.6 or an increase of 40% .  That is so horrible that  65% of women by 27 are overweight and 35% are obese.

The Strange Paradox of Declining Female Happiness

By many objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women’s happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women’s declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men. These declines have continued and a new gender gap is emerging — one with higher subjective well-being for men.

Were women happier in the stone age?

Does modern life make us happy? We have gained much but we have lost a great deal too. Are humans better suited to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle?

The Horrible Effects of Single Mothers on Children

Single Mother Epidemic is Eroding the very fabric of our Society to the deteriment of every child afflicted with thie circumstance.

Survey Finds Most Millennials Take at Least 1 Prescription Medication Daily

new study on millennial prescription medication use and mental health found that 68 percent of millennials surveyed take at least on prescribed medication daily, with meds for depression or anxiety being the most commonly reported.

Why 60 years of feminism has not made women any happier

 thanks to the pill and changing mores about sex outside of marriage, women could finally achieve the freedom and happiness that had been available to men for millennia.So how’s that working out now? The American Family Survey recently asked: “All things considered, has feminism benefited American families?”Only a little more than half (58.6%) of respondents said yes. What’s interesting, though, is the people who said yes also tend to be among the least happy and fulfilled.

67% of People on Tinder are Married or in a Relationship!!! Beware!!!

According to a new study by Stanford Medicine, dating apps are now showing similarities to social media platforms: using them for distraction and entertainment as well as searching for love. Among the 1,387 Tinder users (aged 17 to 84) surveyed for the study, half said they weren’t interested in meeting someone from a dating app offline, and nearly two-thirds were already married or described themselves as “in a relationship.”  

Why are liberal women so unhappy?

Looking to explain why liberal women are so unhappy, National Marriage Project Director Brad Wilcox notes that no demographic is happier with their family life than conservative women. Over 60% of conservative women say they are completely satisfied with their family life, compared to 50% of conservative men and just 35% of liberal women.

The Female Happiness Paradox: Why aren't women happier?

Guess what women are not happier in todays world when they think they have to be men.

WARNING To Childless Women - Are You Happier or Miserable With That Decision?

There is a raging debate in this country about the happiness of Women.  Who is happier Women that Stay single or women that choose to have a family and kids.  


If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times—age is the most important factor in fertility. But what does that really mean?

The charts below provide a quick look at the natural chance of pregnancy, the chance of pregnancy using fertility treatments, egg count, egg quality, and other important fertility statistics by age.

Hard Evidence: does fertility really ‘drop off a cliff’ at 35?

Female fertility does fall with advancing age and, at the same time, the likelihood of losing a pregnancy increases. There are biological reasons for this. Women are born with a finite number of eggs, or oocytes, within the ovary. As women age both the number and quality of the remaining eggs declines.  As the graph shows THERE IS  STEEP CLIFF AT 35 years of age!!

Women, Don’t Buy Into This

Every women thinks they can do there career and then when they are ready start a family.  Well that is ALMOST always never how it works out.  Egg freezing is one of the big lies that are told to women and only years later do they realize it was all a lie!!

What's the Matter With Girls

The most provocative finding in “The Gender Gap in Adolescent Health” is that the happiness gender gap in richer, more gender-equal countries is bigger than it is in more unequal, less affluent societies. If these findings are correct, we have to conclude that the Western freedom to pursue self-defined life goals doesn’t make girls any happier than girls whose choices are more limited in work, marriage, and childbearing.  On the contrary, more liberated girls seem worse off. 

THERE IS HOPE!! There is a tread in Social Media turning back to traditional values

There is a new trend called “soft life” where women are realizing they are not men and they actually women and that working 80 hours a week for the next 50 years is not something they want to do.  It is becoming treandy to return to tradtionalism.  Shhhhhh to saying it to loud!  But news flash women are women.  Alexender Grace breaks it down.

Huge rise in women drinking themselves to death

The number of women dying from alcohol-related diseases has soared in recent years, new figures show, with experts blaming the rise on brands deliberately targeting their marketing at women.

The latest data reveals that the number of women who lost their lives in this way in the UK increased by 37 per cent in five years!!!

The Horrible Effects of Daycare

Daycare has been found to have long lasting effects upon children.  Check out this Podcast that shows that 80% of children left at Daycare will have mental disorders later in Life.

Scarcity of Men!! College forces women not to want to have kids and get married

Let’s face it. In many places women make up about 65% of all people attending college.  Research shows that when men are scarce. Women naturally will decide to prioritze there careers over having a family.  So in others words College forces women not to want to have famlies and kids.

The Reality of a Woman’s Biological Clock

There are certain realties that women are being lied to about life and life’s choices.

Over 50% Of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue. Are We Worried Yet?

A 2020 Pew Research study reveals that over half of white, liberal women have been diagnosed with a mental health condition at some point. Does this mean there’s a correlation between progressive ideas and mental health?

What’s Really Holding Women Back? Why Work Life Balance is impossible for women.

As scholars of gender inequality in the workplace, we are routinely asked by companies to investigate why they are having trouble retaining women and promoting them to senior ranks. It’s a pervasive problem. Women made remarkable progress accessing positions of power and authority in the 1970s and 1980s, but that progress slowed considerably in the 1990s and has stalled completely in this century.

Do Alpha Women Destroy Marriages?

Watch the video and find out!!